Mission Statement

The National Association of Certified Firearms Instructors is dedicated to providing outstanding training in firearms, safety, storage, basic firearms handling, permit to carry and advanced defensive carry instruction.

NACFI courses are customized to reflect and support the unique laws of the states in which NACFI operates. Along with safety and legal training, NACFI teaches practical application of course materials.

NACFI was founded by and is supported by leading United States Second Amendment experts, leading Second Amendment advocates and championship marksmen. All are dedicated to maintaining America's longstanding respected and admired traditions of lawful firearms possession and use.


Effective training of permit to carry applicants is critical to the success of any permit to carry system. Permit holders, non-permit holders, supporters and opponents of permit to carry laws benefit from proper training. NACFI training covers the legal, practical and social aspects of carrying for personal protection. Proper basic handgun training is the foundation of a safe and enjoyable lifelong relationships with firearms.

NACFI has written the book on Permit to Carry training in the states in which we operate. Our courses are design in consultation with top firearms and self defense lawyers and the nations top firearms self defense trainers. Our textbooks set the bar for permit to carry training.

Our first obligation is safety. Our second is keeping our students safe and lawful.

NACFI States

  • Minnesota
  • Missouri
  • Wisconsin
  • Kansas

NACFI Instructors: The Standard in Carry Permit Training

If you're interested in learning about becoming an NACFI Instructor, click here.

National Association of Certified Firearms Instructors (NACFI)
4722 Forest Circle
Minnetonka, MN 55345
Tel: (952) 935-2414
Partner resource: Expense Tracker